Love Handle X NIKUVEGE™ Review: Limited-Time Japanese Plant-Based Menu (till 30th September)

Considering giving vegan cuisine a try? Now is your opportunity! Love Handle recently collaborated with NIKUVEGE™, a Japanese plant-based meat brand, and introduced ITADAKI-Japanese fusion menu.

NIKUVEGE™, founded by Japanese company Tastable Co, is a plant-based meat invention aimed to replicate the texture and juiciness of conventional meat while embracing the distinctive umami flavour profile, synonymous with Japanese cuisine.


We started on our vegan journey with the DAN DAN UDON ($14). As the name suggests, these noodles were coated in a creamy nutty chilli oil sauce, topped with the ginger soy NIKUVEGE™ flakes and cucumber.

We wished that the noodles could pick up more of the savoury sauce. Nonetheless, the dish was delightful.

Next, we got our hands on the Menchi Katsu Burger ($18), it stole our hearts with its soft fluffy bun, crispy yet tender katsu and crunchy slaw. The katsu retained its moisture due to the luscious béchamel sauce nestled within.

Love Handle and NIKUVEGE™ blew our mind with this burger, delivering meat-like textures and flavours to a meat-free katsu burger. 


Lastly, the Tsukune Skewers 3pc ($10) coated with a thick and savoury sauce, truly captured the NIKUVEGE™ concept. The meat-like texture of the tsukune paired with the umami sauce, almost had us fooled, thinking we had real meat.


Don't miss out on their Suntory deal where you can receive a free Suntory Highball, with every purchase of any NIKUVEGE™ dish, from now till Sep 30!

Final Thoughts

This ITADAKI menu definitely stands out from your standard vegan menu. The Menchi Katsu Burger is our top recommendation. Be sure to come down to enjoy yummy Japanese vegan food in a colourful cafe space decorated with bold and bright paintings.

*This was an invited media tasting.


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